Les Yeux Grands Ouverts


I met Edith Thoueille, childcare worker and responsible for helping handicapped parents (Service d’Aide à la Parentalité des Personnes Handicapés, or SAPPH) in Paris’s 14th district... / Read more

For twenty years now, she has accomplished exceptional work with blind women who desire to have children. She has fought relentlessly against the prejudices these women are up against while encouraging them to take the step.

The encounter was a determining factor. I saw and photographed Edith accompanying this young mother and her baby. Then came all the others… I observed attentively these women acting with such accuracy and precision with their children, and greatly admired them.

I then tried to imagine—to close my eyes to “see” like them, quite naively, and unsuccessfully! While keeping company with these women, I realised that they saw things I didn’t, and inversely.

And it seemed absurd to make comparisons, or even to look for particular differences.

Delphine Warin

Delphine Warin Photography- 2021 - All rights reserved
